In this case, we are in the situation of a classic Exchange server hosting with login and password, we are not in the case of modern authentification or Exchange hybrid solution.

If you are experiencing issues connecting to your Exchange Server with Automatic Email Manager, follow these steps to troubleshoot the problem:

Step 1: Check Exchange Version

Ensure that your Exchange version is compatible with Automatic Email Manager. By default, the software is set to use Exchange 2015 or later.

If you are using Exchange 2013 or earlier, edit the account in Automatic Email Manager, go to step 3, click on 'More options', and set the 'Exchange server version' to Exchange 2010.

Setting for Exchange version

Perform a connection test to see if the issue is resolved, if not the case go to step 2.

Step 2: Verify address for the Exchange Web Service (EWS)

Check that the EWS address is correct. The address should be in the format:

Use one of the following methods to find the correct EWS address:

Method 1: Using Exchange Management Shell

  1. Open the Exchange Management Shell on your Exchange 2013 server.
  2. Run the command: Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory | Select-Object Name,Server,InternalUrl,ExternalUrl
  3. Use the ExternalUrl displayed in the output.

Method 2: Using Exchange Admin Center (EAC)

  1. Open the Exchange Admin Center (EAC) in your browser and navigate to: https://<ExchangeServerName>/ecp
  2. Log in with your admin credentials.
  3. In the EAC, go to Servers > Virtual Directories.
  4. Select the EWS virtual directory.
  5. On the details pane, you'll see the Internal URL and External URL for EWS.

Step 3: Contact Support

If the issue persists after completing the above steps, please contact our support team for further assistance.