IMPORTANT: We do not provide technical support for TELEGRAM. If you encounter any issues with Telegram, please contact their support directly: Telegram FAQ
Automatic Email Manager provides the capability to send messages to your selected Telegram channel. With this action, you can send specific emails, along with their subject, sender name, email body, and attachments, directly to your Telegram messenger. This feature is a convenient way to stay informed about important emails and attachments through Telegram.
Instructions to setup Telegram & Automatic Email Manager
Step 1: Create a simple Telegram Bot
- Creating a bot is a straightforward process but requires following certain steps, especially if you are new to it. You can find numerous tutorials online, and official documentation is available here (Telegram bots). For our purpose, we need a simple bot, so please follow the steps outlined below.
- Open Telegram messenger (in this case, the Windows version) and search for '@Botfather' in the search bar. Select the Telegram magician assistant from the results.
- Click on 'START' under the information 'What can this bot do?
- Type: /newbot
- The Botfather assistant will prompt you for the bot's name and a username. In my example, I used 'aemtest2022'.
- Please copy the displayed token and store it securely. We will need it in Step 2.
- Congratulation! You have successfully created your first bot, easy, no?
Step 2: Invite your bot to your channel
- Now, you need to invite your bot to the channel(s) where you want to receive the Automatic Email Manager messages. Create a new channel or use an existing one and invite your bot (only the channel creator can add a bot)as you would add any other participant. Follow these steps:
- Click on header of the channel to display channel info
- Click on +button to invite participants, enter the name of your bot in the search, then select it.
- Great! Your bot is now a member of the selected channel.
- Click on header of the channel to display channel info
- Obtain the real Channel ID:
- To establish communication with the bot, we need the Telegram channel ID. Follow these steps to find it:
- Open the channel in Telegram, right click on a message in the discussion, and select 'Copy link', paste it in Notepad, it will look like:
The channel id is the number after the 1579708123
Append -100 to this number and you get the final Channel Id: -1001579708123
Sorry it is not as simple as it should be, but it is a Telegram procedure...
- Perfect! You have completed the setup of your first Telegram Bot. If you encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to contact us and clearly explain at which step you are facing difficulties: Contact us here
Step 3: Add the Telegram connection in Automatic Email Manager
- Open Automatic Email Manager, navigate to the scenarios section, and either edit an existing scenario or create a new one. Then, add the action 'Send a message to Telegram channel':
- Fill in the action details with your Bot token and the Channel ID:
- Bot token: This is the long key (token) provided by Telegram when you created the Bot.
- Channel Id: For private channel you must use the channel number and not the name @MyChannel , please read the section 'Get the real channel ID' above.
- Message: Here, you can enter the message you want to publish in the Telegram channel. It can include various fields such as email subject, address, email body, and a list of attachments.
- More options: You can also publish the attachments files include in the email, to avoid many files you can use condition to process only specific file like only the .PDF files:
Telegram bot limits the number of messages per minutes, actually it is limited to 20 messages/minute. Read more on the Telegram FAQ: