Envision receiving convenient message notifications in your Teams channel whenever you receive particular emails. Whether it's an email from a significant customer, an alert, a report, a specific attachment, or any other trigger, you can choose the information to include in the notification, such as the email content, subject, body, or list of attachments. Simply select the desired data from the available fields list.

Application for Teams to get email notification

Note: This action for Teams doesn't allow you to publish attachment in the channel (only the actions for Telegram and Slack can publish attachments files).

It is easy and requires only 2 steps, follow them, and contact us if you have a problem.

Step 1: Add the application in your Teams channel:

  • Open your Teams (from the web, or directly in your application like in this example), click on the button ‘Apps’ and search/choose for ‘Incoming Webhook’:

Teams, add the webhook

  • Now select the connector ‘Incoming Webhook’ and click on ‘Add to a team’:

Teams set webhook to channel

  • Configure the connector by selecting the channel you want to receive the emails notifications providing a name and click on ‘Create’:

Teams, create new app

  • Copy the url for the webhook, we need it in Automatic Email Manager

Teams, get webhook url

Step 2: Open Automatic Email Manager, go in the scenarios section, edit or create a new scenario, then Add the action ‘Send a message to Teams’:

Automatic Email Manager, add action for Teams

  • Fill the settings with the copied webhook url received from Teams, then enter the message you want to publish.

AEM, settings for connecting to Teams

  • Now, you have the ability to execute this scenario whenever a specific email arrives in the email inbox of your choosing. It's incredibly simple and valuable for ensuring your team stays informed with important email notifications.

Result in Teams channel