Step 1: Add your first email account

  • Click on left menu 'CONNECT YOUR EMAIL.

Add account

Step 2: Provide your email details

  • Begin by entering the account name that will be displayed in Automatic Email Manager, followed by your email address.

    Note: Choosing the 'Use advanced mode to set up the account' option will bypass the automatic settings detection.

  • If you have a Gmail or Office 365 address, Automatic Email Manager will open your browser to enable modern authentication, eliminating the need to enter your password.

Adding email

Step 3: Specify email account type if not detected automatically

  • Select the desired email account type. By default, the recommended option is IMAP4, which offers a fast and reliable connection and is supported by major email providers.

Choose your email provider

Step 4: Manually specify your mail server

  • Provide the mail server information, typically in the format of or

    Click on 'Test connection' to verify the accuracy of the settings.

Emails settings

Step 5: Set the time interval for email checks

  • You have the option to configure Automatic Email Manager to check your email account at a designated time each day, at regular intervals of x minutes, or manually (where it will perform a single check and then pause).

    Note: You can utilize the advanced scheduler to specify specific days and time ranges for when the account should be checked.

Checking interval

Step 6: Set the scenarios you want to apply when new emails are received

  • In this final step, you can specify the actions to be performed when new emails are received. You have the flexibility to apply the same actions to multiple accounts. Simply click on 'Add a scenario' to view the existing scenarios and select the ones you wish to use, or create a new scenario.

    Note: If you intend to copy or move emails, you must create a separate scenario for each account. These actions require a connection to the respective account and cannot be shared across multiple accounts. (For copying or moving emails, a new scenario must be created for each account.)

Apply scenarios