Automatic Email Manager carries out several functions with email attachments, including printing, saving to your computer, combining with the email content, and forwarding via email, among other tasks. It is essential to be cautious when handling attachments due to the high risk of viruses and ransomware.
To mitigate this issue, Automatic Email Manager offers file type authorization. The software comes with a default list of approved file extensions as well as a list of disallowed files. You can also add new extensions and toggle their enabled status as needed.
Keep in mind that you can access file types management by selecting the 'Settings' option from the left menu and then choosing the 'Email attachment' section.
When Automatic Email Manager encounters a new attachment type that is unfamiliar, it refrains from processing it. Instead, the attachment is added to a list of new file types, and you are notified within the program to seek your confirmation.
When editing a file extension, you specify:
- The file extension itself (without including a dot, such as "xls").
- The printing process type:
- Use internal system: if the extension is managed directly by Automatic Email Manager (like pdf, eml, word, …)
- Use default application: It will utilize the installed application associated with the file type (for example 3d studio for a dxf file).
- Use specific application: It will employ a designated application for printing using command line arguments.
This functionality is highly significant in Automatic Email Manager as it enables you to enhance your email productivity within a secure environment.